Audio Name Pronunciation
Alex Thayer |
A recording introducing and pronouncing Alex Thayer.
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Alex Thayer: My name is Alex Thayer, but my name when I was a kid was not Alex Thayer. When I was a kid, everybody called me Posse, P-O-S-S-E, Posse. And the reason they called me Posse was because my dad liked to carry me upside down by my feet when I was a very little girl. And he said I was just like a possum because they hang by their tails. And so, one of my first words was possum, but I said it wrong and I said, Posse. And I wouldn't answer to anything else. Posse, Posse, Posse. And it stuck. It stuck for so long in fact that when I go back home, my mom and my sister and all of my friends from the town I grew up in still call me Posse.
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