Book Awards & Distinctions
for Anna Raff
8 Total Book Awards
Things That Float and Things That Don't (3)

Junior Library Guild Selections, 2012-2025
Science Selection, 2013

Lasting Connections, 2000 - 2020
Selection, 2013
The Day the Universe Exploded My Head: Poems to Take You Into Space and Back Again (1)
Magnets Push, Magnets Pull (1)
Simple Machines: Wheels, Levers, and Pulleys (1)

Junior Library Guild Selections, 2012-2025
Science Selection, 2015
World Rat Day: Poems about Real Holidays You've Never Heard of (1)

Notable Poetry and Verse Novels, 2011-2025
Selection, 2014
You Are Not a Cat! (1)

Children’s Favorites Award, 2015-2024
Selection, 2017