Book Descriptions
for Seasons by Blexbolex
From The United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY)
Readers of all ages will be engaged by the artful design and evocative, nos talgic feelings in the writing and illustrations. Blexbolex’s gorgeous artwork and minimal text are distilled to a symbiotic poetry—almost like a form of multimedia haiku. While small children will have fun with the color-saturated art and talking about what is happening in the illustrations, the adult reader is left with a sense of “Yes! Here is someone who sees, really sees, the wonder in the everyday.” Blexbolex received the prestigious Golden Letter Award in 2009 for the world’s best book design. lvb
Originally published as Saisons in French by Jeunesse Albin Michel France, in 2009. Translated by Claudia Zoe Bedrick.
From the Publisher
In this graphically stunning picture book, Blexbolex explores the cyclical nature of time by looking at the seasons. Using objects, landscapes, activities, and different types of people that are associated with each season (such as a skier, a swimmer, a roasted chestnut seller), Blexbolex evokes the sense of permanency given to life by its cyclical nature, despite the fact that time is always passing. The purpose of this book is to encourage observation of the world around us and lead the reader to form all sorts of logical and imaginative associations having to do with the seasons, the cycles of life, and time.
An illustrator of graphic genius, Blexbolex entered art school with the intention of becoming a painter, but left having discovered his talent as a silksceen artist. Since then, he has worked regularly with book publishers in France and Germany, as well as for the press. In 2009 he received the prestegious Golden Letter award for best book design throughout the world.
In this graphically stunning picture book, Blexbolex explores the cyclical nature of time by looking at the seasons. Using objects, landscapes, activities, and different types of people that are associated with each season (such as a skier, a swimmer, a roasted chestnut seller), Blexbolex evokes the sense of permanency given to life by its cyclical nature, despite the fact that time is always passing. The purpose of this book is to encourage observation of the world around us and lead the reader to form all sorts of logical and imaginative associations having to do with the seasons, the cycles of life, and time.
An illustrator of graphic genius, Blexbolex entered art school with the intention of becoming a painter, but left having discovered his talent as a silksceen artist. Since then, he has worked regularly with book publishers in France and Germany, as well as for the press. In 2009 he received the prestegious Golden Letter award for best book design throughout the world.