Book Description
for The Fabulous Feud of Gilbert & Sullivan by Jonah Winter and Richard Egielski
From the Publisher
Welcome to Topsy-Turvydom, a magicalkingdom (well, more like an opera stage)full of pirates, policemen, fairies, and fakemustaches! Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Sullivanhave ruled this kingdom together in peace,but one day, Mr. Sullivan decides he'shad enough. Every opera they write is thesame silly old story, and he's ready forsomething different. Something serious!Mr. Gilbert is stunned. He's lost hisbusiness partner and his best friend, andhe needs a brilliant idea in order to gethim back. When Mr. Gilbert comes acrossa Japanese street fair, inspiration strikes,and The Mikado is born! Gilbert andSullivan reunite for their greatest workyet, showing that good things can comefrom an argument between friends.
Publisher description retrieved from Google Books.